本帖最后由 cloris 于 2008-12-16 13:17 编辑 + @3 q/ g( {: o8 B# I* z8 m
4 y) L$ b: A. _, V8 J/ f
<P> </P>& M) I, m' D# l0 }6 U; G) s1 a
$ w. } A, S" @- b& F0 w) K<P><FONT color=#c60a00>walking</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>in</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>air</FONT><BR>-connie talbot<BR>over <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> rainbow<BR>we're <FONT color=#c60a00>walking</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>in</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>air</FONT><BR>we're floating <FONT color=#c60a00>in</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> moonlit sky<BR><FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> people far below are sleeping as we fly<BR><BR>i'm holding very tight<BR>i'm riding <FONT color=#c60a00>in</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> midnight blue<BR>i'm finding i can fly so high above with you<BR><BR>far across <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> world<BR><FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> villages go by like trees<BR><FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> rivers and <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> hills<BR><FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> forests and <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> streams<BR><BR>children gaze open mouth<BR>taken by surprise<BR>nobody down below believes their eyes<BR>we're surfing <FONT color=#c60a00>in</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>air</FONT><BR>we're swimming <FONT color=#c60a00>in</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> frozen sky<BR>we're drifting over icy mountains floating by<BR><BR>suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep<BR>arousing of a mighty monster from its sleep<BR>we're <FONT color=#c60a00>walking</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>in</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>air</FONT><BR>we're floating <FONT color=#c60a00>in</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> midnight sky<BR>and everyone who sees us greets us as we fly<BR>we're <FONT color=#c60a00>walking</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>in</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>air</FONT><BR>we're <FONT color=#c60a00>walking</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>in</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>the</FONT> <FONT color=#c60a00>air</FONT></P>5 F% t1 k* h, t* e1 q
<P><FONT color=#c60a00></FONT> </P>5 @5 _6 t8 n1 F3 M
<P><FONT color=#c60a00>歌手介绍:</FONT></P>
' }2 z7 g$ z9 z& z2 l* [7 }3 G<P>被英国媒体推崇为「终生难得一见的歌唱奇才」的Declan John Galbraith<BR>,1991年的12月19日出生于英国肯特郡的一个小村庄,他的父亲来自苏格兰,母亲则来自爱尔兰。他从小跟着在小酒馆表演爱尔兰传统音乐的祖父,很早就显露出惊人的天赋,才两岁左右,就开始喜欢唱歌了,而且唱得有模有样的。八岁那年,他开始参加当地一些才艺竞赛,在短短十四个月的期间内,拿下了十六个冠军,也引起了唱片界高度的兴趣,没有多久,就得到了唱片合约。他所参与录制的第一张唱片,是一张圣诞歌曲的合辑,其中收录了包括猫王、Elton John和Westlife等超级巨星的名曲,而他所翻唱的卡通「雪人」(Snowman)主题曲「Walking in the Air」,丝毫不比那些「老前辈」们的差,引起了广大的关注,获得各大媒体争相报道,上遍几乎所有电视与电台的节目,成了英国与爱尔兰家喻户晓的名人。当节目主持人问起他平日喜欢些什么的时候,他的回答几乎让人跌破眼镜,因为,除了足球、游泳和电动游戏之外,他所喜爱的音乐,竟然包括了「齐柏林飞船」(Led Zeppelin)和「黑色安息日」(Black Sabbath)!而这也就难怪,年纪小小的他,演唱的风格跟曲目都宽广得超越他的年龄了。</P># N/ v! o* [* w; W
<P> </P>
! i! i4 K6 x! e6 m<P>PS:建议没听过Tell me why 的亲也可以听听看,之前有位亲发过这首歌了.</P>- a4 x; W# H5 {; p h6 Q
<P>不过相信这两首歌都能带给你一种震憾<BR></P> |